Los Bunkers

Rock, pop, and jazz have been the traditional genres of music that has had a significant impact on people. But the new genres such as folk rock, indie rock, and alternative rock have also become hugely popular among music lovers. In fact, the craze is such that more and more people are accepting the new genres wholeheartedly. This band from Chile became the most popular band in the 2000’s. Let’s take a deeper look into why Los Bunkers became The Band of the generation.

Founders and music trend

Los Bunkers was formed by the brothers Mauricio and Francisco Durán, Mauricio Basualto, and the brothers Gonzalo and Álvaro López. This five-member band went on to top the charts since they formed in 1999. Los Bunkers primarily attracted the attention of music lovers through their contemporary rock music.

Their blend of rock music from the 60’s brought back the flavor that The Beatles had left long ago. However, their songs were not like the cover songs of The Beatles. They formed their own genre of music that had a blend of folk rock. There is a symbol of refuge in the name Bunkers because of which they chose the band name to be Los Bunkers. Also, in the 60’s the Chilean rock bands had names such as Los Sonnys and Los Jokers. So, that had an influence too.

The history of Los Bunkers

The love for The Beatles guided Los Bunkers to come up with Chilean folk root songs. This became an instant hit in the country because people in Chile had not heard that kind of music before. It was mostly pop or jazz until then but with the Los Bunkers creating a fresh genre of music, their meteoric rise was inevitable.

Their entry into classical rock gave a new dimension to the band and soon they started topping charts worldwide. The popularity they gained in their initial years gave them a chance to perform at the Festival Lollapalooza Chicago in 2011. They were also seen performing in Lollapalooza Santiago which was a major breakthrough in their career.

Los Bunkers Albums

Over the years, the Los Bunkers came out with several albums and singles that topped the charts during the times. Their first album named The Bunkers released in 2001 became an instant hit. This was their first major release. Before this, they had released a single named The Detainee in 2000 went unnoticed but was later reintroduced in another album. It then became a huge hit. They have also performed The Detainee in several stage shows because of the love that the song got from people.

Their second album was released in the year 2002. It was named Song From Afar. After the huge hit of the first album, they were almost compelled to come out with back to back albums. The craze for their music was such that they had to release another album in 2003. The name of this album was The Fault. These three albums made the ground for their upcoming albums. They took a break in 2004 and then brought out another album in 2005 called Life Of Dogs.

One of the best things about Los Bunkers was that each and every album that they released became best sellers for that respective year. Since they were the heartthrobs in Chile, their popularity was out of the world in that country. But when they started performing live shows outside Chile, they understood how much their music was loved by people from all over the globe. By 2005, the Los Bunkers had become a worldwide phenomenon. This gave them enough time to work on their next album Neighborhood Station that was released in 2008.

One thing that was common in all their albums was the variation in music. They never followed the same pattern of music in all the albums. All the albums had a different kind of music and that is one of the biggest reasons why there was such freshness in their music. Their following albums Free Music and The Speed Of Light released in 2010 and 2013 respectively were also huge hits in Chile. The Speed Of Light was their last major album.

By the year 2014, the Los Bunkers had given countless singles. Some of the most popular ones are  Between My Arms, Cure of Fright, The things that I changed and left for you, The Fool, Song for Tomorrow, Do not tell me about suffering, And I will return, Dancing alone, and A cloud hangs over me will remain as the greatest hits of all times. It is the brand of music that the Los Bunkers presented that made a difference in the lives of music lovers.

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