all right you’re on rockadero net and we are sir madam so download the app listen to the music the podcasts the interviews everything else and take it easy everybody right now here outside the vinyl here in Las Vegas where I have to say it’s been one of those magical nights that you come to a place to expect nothing and you’re down to the second show and you feel you know this beautiful relief and want to thank God for all the beautiful music for a whole beautiful woman for the muses for the music and with all that intensity I just want to say thank you this has been a magical day because I am fortunate to connect with a beautiful diva who I saw rocky today can you give us your name and what you do in this magical band hey we’re Kishori i’m Kishori holiday Andrew Garza our band is sir madam sir madam sir madam first of all sir it always takes a gentleman to take care of a woman and I thank you for being that gentleman sir madam can you tell us what’s going on with sir madam because I’m just I don’t want to talk you guys all right well well I’ve been playing with Kishori for a good three years now and you know I first started playing with her and when she started playing you know she has a different style and I I used to be a lot more of a busy drummer and stuff but then wouldn’t be became a two-piece I wanted to strip it back because I like what she does so much that I just wanted to support it she has a very specific style very you know it everything has a mood to it so with her mood you know I’ve got to try to do what I’m do something to support what she’s doing and you know with it being a two-piece it’s really easy for us to do what we do we have a lot of fun at rehearsals everything I mean it’s just it’s a lot of fun being in the two-piece with people we don’t have a lot of stress in our band we don’t push each other to certain limits or anything like that we just you know we have a lot of fun and do what we do first of all I was amazed to see a two-piece and then with a front man a front woman and in this case with a beautiful sexy rock and roll attitude come on you know what can you tell us your name and what you do and this beautiful band well I like to play guitar so I’m I do my fuzz riffs and then I make us like daydream a story and there’s a lot of heaviness involved in my daydreams so they think you said they’re Moody and we go we daydream we go tight we travel so we we want to take that show and get it across to the listeners and it would be the two piece we got a they’ve got to come along with us because there’s only two of us so which makes our parts be that much more they have to be a fry and important and not much room for error because then you hear it but we try to keep but we gotta keep a low in and and cover the vocals and keep it keep it magical and keep it unique and that’s all we can do that’s the kind of animal we are we know what we are we know what we deliver and we are ready to pull the trigger and you said it right on the dot that beautiful animal that everybody just it’s I don’t know again I just want to thank you first of all for having the vision to share something so unique and from the heart to the world and then you just giving it that funky sexy to the beautiful eye again I don’t want to talk too much because I’m just overwhelmed with joy can you guys tell us how many albums you guys have well right now we just released our second release it’s called the doorway it’s a three song EP and right now until October 19th 2014 you can download it for free on our Facebook page that is forward slash sir/madam band and then our previous album which is a full-length album was produced by Scott Holliday of the rival sons and we’ve got nine songs on that and that’s called crooked teeth and that came out January of 2014 so we just wanted to keep things going we had a couple songs that we wanted to put out we just wanted to kind of like reinvigorate you know that our energy of what we’re doing trying to just keep putting music out and doing what we’re doing keep it raw and you know Kishori her riffs are so raw and we just want to keep it heavy raw fuzzy garage and simple you know it’s simple rock and roll that’s what it is you you say with crew kool Smiles Scott Holiday can you tell us Scott holiday I mean the guitar man he added to the beautiful yep that’s uh that’s my man so what’s my husband wait wait wait I’m talking with the muse of Scott holiday right here right now he stole my heart but he likes our music – so we have a good musical connection now so it is folk night in the musical wave wow wow thank you God we have fun thank you it’s nice to feel that people are receiving it like genuine like yourself so thank you well again I’m just a reflection what of what I see but the beautiful thing is when you see those characters soul in heart and passion and struggling for life things just shine again I want to thank you and is there anything that you’d like to say or where we could reach you because again this this is just one of those beautiful magical nights here in Las Vegas at the violin we love Vegas this is our second time out here it’s been good to us so we’re gonna keep moving forward we’re gonna keep playing music and keep playing shows keep recording songs and there ain’t no stopping this train right now that’s right I’m just gonna keep make it rock and roll I’m gonna I’m gonna support what Cory makes we come together and we try to do the thing that we do and you know just keep it real good time together so it’s not forget about that hell of a good time damn it well thanks again thanks again for that for for for sharing the music sharing the love and spreading Thank You mr. holiday I have not had the opportunity to talk with him yet but I know I will later thank you for being such a gentleman a rock and roll and putting that music to her meals and just let it go thank you rocky road net thank you brother Robb right

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